Thursday, January 16, 2025

Physics as Geometry (by ChatGPT)

I was always puzzled that while position and velocity are relative - you need a coordinate system to give you a quantitative value (a vector) and that can vary between observers - yet acceleration seems absolute. You may not have a definite velocity - but you certainly know if you are accelerated.

Where does this difference come from? It certainly doesn’t seem explicable by mere differentiation: dx/dt; dv/dt …

Let’s ask ChatGPT.

Velocity and Acceleration: Relative and Absolute?

In Einstein’s theory of relativity, velocity is understood as a relative concept. The velocity of an object can only be defined with respect to another frame of reference, making it inherently dependent on the choice of observer. However, acceleration, to be specific proper acceleration, is absolute in a meaningful sense. Proper acceleration is the acceleration measured by an accelerometer attached to an object and does not depend on external reference frames.

Proper acceleration actually reveals an object’s deviation from geodesic motion in spacetime. In General Relativity, freely falling objects follow geodesics—natural paths dictated by spacetime curvature. Any deviation from these geodesics, caused by forces like electromagnetic or nuclear interactions, results in proper acceleration.

Proper acceleration serves as a direct probe of the forces acting on an object, linking the physical experience of motion to spacetime geometry. But perhaps we can go further in exploring the very concept of 'forces'...

Acceleration and Geodesics: The Role of Geometry

In General Relativity, gravity, traditionally conceived as a force, emerges instead as the curvature of spacetime caused by mass and energy. Objects in freefall follow geodesics—paths that minimize proper time—in malleable spacetime and 'proper acceleration' quantifies any deviations from such natural trajectories.

Forces as Geometry: The Internal Spaces of Gauge Theory

While gravity arises from spacetime geometry, the Standard Model forces (electromagnetic, weak, and strong) are described using gauge theories. These forces can be conceptualised as originating from the geometry of internal spaces rather than spacetime.

[So now we see why we had the tutorial a couple of days ago on fiber bundles and connections and curvature. Go look.]

In fundamental physics, a gauge theory is a type of field theory where the laws of physics remain invariant under local transformations of certain symmetry groups, called gauge groups. These symmetries are "local" because the transformations can vary from point to point in spacetime, necessitating the introduction of additional fields, known as gauge fields, to preserve this invariance. 

Gauge fields mediate the interactions between particles and are associated with the fundamental forces of nature. For example, the electromagnetic force arises from the U(1)U(1) gauge symmetry, while the weak and strong nuclear forces correspond to SU(2)SU(2) and SU(3)SU(3) symmetries, respectively.

The dynamics of these fields and their interactions are governed by the mathematical structure of connections and curvatures on fiber bundles, with the curvature describing the field strength (e.g., the electromagnetic or gluon fields).

Gauge theories underpin the Standard Model of particle physics and have proven remarkably successful in describing the fundamental forces of nature, except gravity.

Gauge theories of spacetime objects rely on the mathematical framework of fiber bundles, where:

The base space is spacetime.

The fibers are internal symmetry spaces associated with gauge groups ( for electromagnetism, for the weak force, and for the strong force).

Connections on these bundles define how fields change across spacetime, while their curvature describes the strength of forces (e.g., the electromagnetic field or gluon interactions).

In this geometric picture, particles move along geodesics in internal spaces, and deviations from these geodesics correspond to forces. For example, an electron in an electromagnetic field experiences a 'force', but that's really an expression of the curvature of the fiber bundle, just as a planet’s motion is affected by spacetime curvature in GR. (Advanced).

Toward Unified Geometry: Higher Dimensions and Emergent Spacetime

One paradigm within modern physics seeks to unify GR and QT within a single geometric framework. Several theories pursue this goal by introducing higher-dimensional spaces in which all forces, including gravity, emerge as manifestations of geometry:

1. Kaluza-Klein Theory

Adds an extra spatial dimension to spacetime. Electromagnetism is reinterpreted as a geometric effect of this additional dimension, with the gauge symmetry arising naturally.

2. String Theory

Proposes that particles are vibrating strings in a high-dimensional space. The Standard Model forces and gravity are meant to emerge from the geometry of compactified extra dimensions.

3. Emergent Spacetime

Suggests that spacetime itself is not fundamental but arises from more primitive entities, such as quantum entanglement or networks of interacting quantum bits. In such models, acceleration, curvature, and force become emergent properties of a deeper, pre-spacetime structure.

These approaches aim to provide a unified geometric foundation, where all forces are seen as curvatures in a higher-dimensional or more abstract space. The elegance of these formulations lies in their capacity to reduce complex phenomena to simple geometric principles, suggesting that at its heart, nature is deeply geometric. However, reconciling the quantum nature of gauge fields with the classical geometric nature of GR remains an unresolved challenge.

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