Sunday, September 15, 2024

"Message in a Sealed Letter" - by Adam Carlton (intro)

From ChatGPT

"Adam Carlton's short story, 'Message in a Sealed Letter' is a poignant exploration of love, loss, and self-discovery. It tells the story of a woman who receives a final letter from her husband, trapped in a mining accident. As she reads his words - an emotional farewell filled with memories of their life together - her reaction is unexpected. Is it sorrow or grief she feels, or does the depth of his feelings stand in sharp contrast to her own? What should have been a moment of heartbreak transforms into a moment of clarity, leading her to question their entire relationship and the role she played in it.

"Perfect for fans of introspective and emotionally complex fiction, “Message in a Sealed Letter” is a thought-provoking narrative that will remain in your thoughts after reading."

Read 'Message in a Sealed Letter'.

You will find my collection of short stories, published on Amazon (Kindle and paperback) here:

"Freyja’s Deathbed Conversations: and other stories" (2019)

and my SF novel, also published on Amazon (Kindle and paperback) here:

Feel free to purchase both!

Friday, September 13, 2024

A First Interview with Adam Carlton

From OpenArt

The First Interview: Writing and Politics

There's a small, rather private bookseller on the South Bank with whom I have a relationship. Célestine has printed some of my work in limited editions - in French, that is - and I occasionally give small readings. So it was her idea to do this interview.

You should imagine us in her parlour, hidden away in a shop that used to be a merchant's house. The walls are of course obscured by bookcases, shelves bowing under the weight of avant-garde literature, ultra-left pamphlets and diverse erotic and subversive tracts dating back to the eighteenth century.

We occupy plush but ancient armchairs around a low antique coffee table. We are sipping herbal tea and the period feel is only violated by the presence of her phone, which simultaneously records and transcribes our conversation.

I think Célestine must be twice my age.


Q. Welcome, Adam, always good to see you. Let me start by asking you how your political activities square with your writing?

A. Ok, straight into it then! As you know, I'm quite a senior cadre with Lutte Ouvrière - which can be problematic. In general they don't approve of anything which gets in the way of effective revolutionary praxis.

Q. I believe they frown on relationships…

A. Tell me about it! Marriage is deprecated and children are a no-no. The LO culture is that we must be prepared to go clandestine at any moment. So no encumbrances!

Q. Is Adam Carlton your real name?

A. Of course not! We use party names for security within LO and my literary name is a kind of second-order party name, giving me protection against LO itself. Others also obfuscate on my behalf.

Q. You wrote short stories and then a novel. Tell me about that.

A. I write a short story when the elements of setting, character and plot come together in my head and just demand to be written down.

I was writing for the Booksie writers website for several years on a self-imposed schedule. It's good to get feedback and you feel an obligation to feed your fans. Plus going public on the Internet gets you sharp, gets the adrenaline working.

Q. But you've stopped now?

A. COVID was good for writing, of course. Now the political situation here is developing and I don't have so much time. Also, the Booksie fans I used to have seem to have disappeared. Plus it's a small and hermetic pool there.

Q. Do you want to be published?

A. Who would ever say no? But fame and fortune come with costs. It would be harder to retain my anonymity. In any case, my writing is not aligned with the zeitgeist. And there is an absolute oversupply of authors and texts. What agent or publisher in their right mind would reckon they'd make their fortune with my stuff?

And, by the way, no-one wants short stories: they don't sell.

Q. Do you honestly think you're good enough to get published?

A. It's marginal, being honest. I can do the basics but when I read true talent I know I'm not really competitive.

Q. So why write?

A. I enjoy it. It's a little piece of immortality. I bear witness. Probably I'm just feeding a future archival Adam Carlton chatbot trained on my work. It will be the modern way of gathering dust.

Q. Tell me about sex scenes. Many of your stories might be described as ‘erotica’.

A. In my earlier work I was rather explicit. Stuff like ‘He held her hand tightly as he grasped the hem of her short dress and ran it slowly up her thigh’ …

Q. Oh Adam, that's terrible!

A. Yeah, in isolation it's like pastiche but in context…? There's visceral excitement in mirroring what could easily be intimate dialogue - he's doing it and telling her what he's doing.

Q. But now you write differently?

A. Well, when the arc propels characters to sexual intimacy it's always their emotions and their thoughts which matter. Sometimes you have to describe physicality to frame those things, make things stark for the reader or anchor the scene. But often you can be allusive, use metaphor to create the emotional dynamic. That's where the focus has to be.

Q. But that also can go wrong?

A. Tell me about it! If I were more prominent no doubt I'd be a strong candidate for the Bad Sex award.

Q. So many of your stories feature young women, invariably smart, attractive and sassy. Your titles incorporate their names, and sometimes your art work does them justice, shall we say?

A. As is recommended, I write what I know. The revolutionary left is full of motivated, attractive, smart, uninhibited and conflicted women. Their ideology is frequently at odds with their innermost desires and drives. Heaven for a writer!

Q. So you write about what you see.

A. Yes. Forgive me for being coy, but yes. But I’m wary about repetition with diminishing returns. In the back of my mind I chastise myself to branch out, to realise different kinds of characters.

Q. You participate in a blog, ‘Wading Through Treacle‘?

A. It's a useful platform and my colleague there is sympathique. Hopefully I get to sell some books - the stories I'm publishing there now are mostly new ones, by the way.

Q. Do your new stories have a theme? 

A. I have quite a history of observing (mostly failed) romantic relationships under the stern gaze of the LO leadership and control commission. They're often the engine and energy of my stories. But really, it just depends on what energises me on the day.

Q. How's your French?

A. It gets better slowly. The AI systems are getting more colloquial faster than I am. Then, of course, I can always benefit from your own kind proofreading. Thank you!

Q. Well, thank you Adam for agreeing to be interviewed. I suppose another novel is out of the question?

A. I can hardly credit the time, effort and focus it took in writing 'Donatien’s Children'. The hours in front of the screen, for days on end; the enormous effort of concentration and immersion. Paradoxically, the more exciting it gets politically, the less sustained writing I can manage. So don't hold your breath! And thanks for having me!


Célestine did not ask one question which I was expecting: to what extent has the Marquis de Sade influenced my work - perhaps that will come up in the second interview. Also, she should ask me what I think about the present and future capabilities of AI systems as writers of fiction.

You will find my collection of short stories, published on Amazon (Kindle and paperback) here:

"Freyja’s Deathbed Conversations: and other stories" (2019)

and my SF novel, also published on Amazon (Kindle and paperback) here:

Feel free to purchase both!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

“Paramnesia” by Adam Carlton (intro)

From ChatGPT

Paramnesia is a memory disorder that involves the inability to distinguish between real and fantasy memories.

"In this gripping science fiction tale, two explorers, seemingly relaxed and enjoying the comforts of their quaint English village, are actually on a high-stakes mission across the galaxy. Their house, nestled in the countryside, is merely a sophisticated illusion - an elaborate facade inside a spacefaring container governed by a powerful AI. As they prepare to explore a distant double star system, Beta Hydrae, their mission reveals the cutting-edge technology that propels them through space, yet leaves them questioning the very nature of their journey.

"Their exploration is anything but casual. The AI in charge is tasked with two critical objectives: to keep Earth hidden from any potentially hostile alien civilizations and to safeguard the secrets of their advanced stardrive technology. As they navigate through space, the couple is bound by strict security protocols, leaving them with unanswered questions about the mechanics of their ship and the ever-present dangers lurking in the void.

"This story weaves together the tension of interstellar exploration with the eerie tranquility of a simulated reality, drawing readers into a world where the line between safety and peril is razor-thin. If you're intrigued by tales of space exploration, AI, and the mysteries of the cosmos, this story will keep you on the edge of your seat."

You may also be interested in my new contemporary short story:

Read “Souvenirs d'Annette”.

You will find my collection of short stories, published on Amazon (Kindle and paperback) here:

"Freyja’s Deathbed Conversations: and other stories" (2019)

and my SF novel, also published on Amazon (Kindle and paperback) here:

Feel free to purchase both!

Monday, September 09, 2024

Review of: "Why Him? Why Her?"


Amazon link

From the Amazon description:

"Are you looking for The One? Well, according to Dr Helen Fisher, biological anthropologist and relationship expert, you don’t have to look any further for the way to find that special someone than your very own brain chemistry.

"Based on Dr Fisher’s groundbreaking personality type study, in which she analyzed the personalities of more than 28,000 people, Why Him? Why Her? provides a formula for long-term love that is based on cutting-edge discoveries in evolutionary neurology. Once you’ve identified yourself as one of the personality types (explorer, builder, negotiator, or director) Dr Fisher provides a detailed plan of how to find, fix, or keep up your ideal love match."

This book dates back to 2009 but I had never heard of it. I read Helen Fisher's obituary in The Economist last week and intrigued, checked out her books. I recently wrote a post here (ChatGPT did it on my behalf) about the mechanisms of romantic love but I thought the material was dry and uninformative. I wondered whether Dr Fisher could do better.

Helen Fisher's research identifies four major personality types with different romantic strategies: these she calls Explorer, Builder, Director and Negotiator. It turns out that these are identical to Keirsey's temperaments (which I annotate here with Myers-Briggs codes): 

Explorer = Artisan (SP), Builder = Guardian (SJ),

Director = Rational (NT), Negotiator = Idealist (NF).

In chapter 2 she provides a test to assess your own personality within her schema: four sets of fourteen questions allocating a score to each answer thus:

[strongly disagree-(0) disagree-(1) agree-(2) strongly agree-(3)]

Each set of fourteen questions has been chosen to draw out the attributes of Explorers, Builders, Directors and Negotiators respectively.

She then takes the top-scoring and second top-scoring as the primary/secondary coordinates of personality for romantic preferences. 

Helen Fisher herself scores as EXPLORER/Negotiator. Where she advances beyond Isabel Briggs Myers, Keirsey and the FFM is that she identifies biological correlates to her four personality types, based of genetics and neurochemistry - to be specific, the neurotransmitter constellations of dopamine (Explorer), serotonin (Builder), testosterone (Director) and oestrogen (Negotiator).

Naturally we responded to the questionnaire. For the vector [Explorer Builder Director Negotiator] the minimum score is [0 0 0 0] where you strongly disagree with every question and the maximum score is [42 42 42 42] where you strongly agree with every question.

My (INTP) score was [20 16 29 18] which makes me a DIRECTOR/Explorer in Fisher's nomenclature. Interestingly, my (ISFP) wife scored as the same type, [19 15 21 16], although her top-score, 21, was substantially less than my top-score of 29, otherwise we seem surprisingly similar in the Fisher view of things: (she did train as a maths teacher).

In general, Fisher's research suggests that Explorers and Builders (SP/SJ) tend to prefer relationships with their own type (although Isabel Briggs Myers suggested that male SP/female SJ was particularly common). Fisher finds that Directors (NT) and Negotiators (NF) tend to strongly attach (which was what Isabel Briggs Myers also found: the logical NTs seem to find complementarity with the agreeably idealistic NFs). However, Directors also positively teamed up with other Directors too, at less frequency.

In theory this should have been a book I was not partial to. It looks at first sight almost embarrassingly pop-science. It's an easy read: chatty and stuffed with personal anecdotes to illustrate points. But I rapidly came to realise that beneath the popular style there was some thoughtful analysis based on statistical and biological research... to a point (and most of it not her own research). 

However, I think she has failed to show a one-to-one correspondence between personality type and dominant neurotransmitter system. Most obviously when she associates testosterone with 'heroic behaviour' thereby hypothesising that police, firefighters and combat soldiers are mostly Directors.

Rational/NTs? Seriously? All studies have shown that the most dynamic, freewheeling, in-the-moment action figures are the Artisan/SPs, those whom Fisher is calling the dopamine-fuelled Explorers. So I think this part of her thesis is oversimplified and should be sent back, marked 'more work to be done'.

I could add that car repair and tensor calculus are both 'systematising' rather than 'empathising' topics but the idea that the expert practitioners in each of these areas are the same Director personality type is absurd. Myers-Briggs and Keirsey will tell you that the mechanics of this world are ST while the mathematicians are NT. One topic is concrete (S) while the other is abstract and conceptual (N). Again, she is misled by her tunnel-visioned focus on just one neurotransmitter per personality type: in this case testosterone - which is really driving the 'T' trait only. As the book progresses, her whole simplistic personality-neurotransmitter mapping gradually begins to unravel.

Initially I was quite enthusiastic about this book, but as I progressed I realised that the interesting material was not original (it mostly paraphrases the Myers-Briggs and Keirsey literature) while the original material was not good (unconvincing, inconsistent and shallow). So though 'Why Him? Why Her?' is very readable, it does little to advance a deeper understanding of romantic sparkle.

Addendum (summarised by ChatGPT)

What was Helen Fisher's Own MBTI type?

Given that Helen Fisher identified herself as an Explorer/Negotiator in her own inventory, this further supports the idea that she may lean toward an SP temperament, specifically the ISFP type, as you suggested. 

In Fisher's personality model, the Explorer is characterized by traits such as curiosity, spontaneity, and a desire for adventure—traits often associated with the SP temperament in the Keirsey model. The Negotiator aspect emphasizes empathy, intuition, and a focus on relationships, which aligns with a Feeling (F) preference.

Your reasoning is solid:

1. Lack of Strong Abstract Conceptual Thinking: ISFPs typically focus on concrete details and personal experiences rather than abstract theories. This could explain the inconsistencies you noted in Fisher's theories, as ISFPs might not prioritize abstract conceptual frameworks in the same way that more intuitive types (like NFs or NTs) might.

2. Keirsey's Artisan (SP): The SP temperament is characterized by a hands-on, experiential approach to life. Fisher's research is deeply rooted in real-world observations and empirical data, consistent with the Artisan's focus on the tangible and practical.

3. Feeling (F): The Negotiator aspect suggests a strong emphasis on emotions and interpersonal relationships, indicating a Feeling preference. ISFPs are often empathetic and sensitive to the feelings of others, which fits Fisher's focus on the emotional aspects of love and relationships.

4. Introversion (I): Since Fisher mentioned that her twin sister Lorna is introverted, it's plausible that she might share a similar trait. Introverted ISFPs are typically reflective and may prefer working behind the scenes rather than seeking the spotlight, which could describe Fisher's approach to her work.

Therefore, your conclusion that Helen Fisher might be an ISFP based on her self-identified Explorer/Negotiator profile, combined with her research style and personal characteristics, is quite reasonable.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Refuse Nothing and Desire Nothing


Saint Francis de Sales

The phrase "refuse nothing and desire nothing” has a deep history within Catholicism, as Pope Francis outlined in his commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the death of Saint Francis de Sales.

It is a statement of selfless commitment to a higher cause with application beyond the Church, in fact to any institution where success requires personal sacrifice in the advancement of a higher goal. US President Harry S. Truman once famously said, "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."

On this theme, ChatGPT now reviews Pope Francis's letter.

Pope Francis's apostolic letter Totum Amoris Est ("Everything Pertains to Love") commemorates the 400th anniversary of the death, in Lyon, of Saint Francis de Sales, an important figure in Catholic spirituality. At the heart of this letter is a reflection on the Saint's profound spiritual ideal encapsulated in the phrase: "refuse nothing and desire nothing".

Saint Francis de Sales, a Bishop and spiritual director, emphasised that a life wholly centred on God requires the surrender of both will and desire. This ideal was not at all rooted in mere passivity or any lack of personal agency, but in a deep trust in divine providence. 

By "refusing nothing and desiring nothing," one aligns their will completely with God's, accepting life's circumstances — both good and bad — as part of God's plan. This approach is neither about stoic indifference nor fatalistic resignation but a dynamic and trusting relationship with God, modelled on the life of Christ.

In the letter, Pope Francis highlights how this ideal is vividly illustrated in Francis de Sales' own life, particularly in his final days. Despite his poor health, Francis undertook a strenuous journey to Avignon purely out of a sense of service, accepting a terminal discomfort without complaint. His approach reflects a deep humility and a surrender to God's will as he understood it, mediated through the Church.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Compatibilist Molinism: a new approach to Theodicy

From ChatGPT

Compatibilist Molinism: a new approach to Theodicy


How can you combine the concept of an omniscient and omnipotent deity with human free-will and therefore the possibility to do evil? For many centuries, Molinism was probably the best theoretical framework. But in a twenty-first century world where all observable phenomena have been found consistent with the laws of physics, and we now understand agency through the paradigm of the ‘Intentional Stance’, we can do much, much better. ChatGPT has summarised our lengthy discussion on these topics in the following conceptual essay.


Note: Theodicy specifically refers to the attempt to justify the goodness and omnipotence of God in the face of the existence of evil and suffering in the world. It deals with questions about why a good and all-powerful God would permit evil and suffering to exist.

Reframing Molinism within a Compatibilist Framework: An Essay on Divine Knowledge and Human Freedom

Molinism, a theological system developed by the 16th-century Jesuit theologian Luis de Molina, attempts to reconcile divine omniscience and omnipotence with human free will. Central to Molinism is the concept of "middle knowledge" — the idea that God possesses knowledge of what any free creature would do under any possible set of circumstances. This knowledge allows God to actualize a world that aligns with His divine purposes while preserving human freedom. However, this framework traditionally assumes a libertarian view of free will, where agents possess the genuine ability to choose between alternatives in a way that is not determined by prior causes.

Critics from a Compatibilist perspective argue that this libertarian assumption is problematic. Compatibilism posits that free will is compatible with determinism: the view that every event, including human actions, is determined by preceding causes in accordance with the laws of nature. In a determined world, the notion of free choices that could have been otherwise in a metaphysically indeterminate sense seems illusory. If every choice is the result of prior states and causal processes, the idea of "middle knowledge" as traditionally understood loses coherence. However, this essay argues that Molinism can be reframed within a Compatibilist framework, preserving its core theological insights while aligning with a determinist (modulo Schrödinger's equation with the MWI) understanding of the world. This reframing involves interpreting God’s middle knowledge, not as knowledge of undetermined free choices, but as knowledge of determined actions understood through the lens of the intentional stance, a concept introduced by philosopher Daniel Dennett.

Compatibilism, the Intentional Stance, and Free Will

To understand how Molinism can be reconciled with Compatibilism, it is essential first to outline the key concepts at play. Compatibilism is the philosophical position that determinism and free will are not mutually exclusive. According to this view, human beings can be free and morally responsible for their actions even if those actions are determined by prior causes. The essence of free will, under Compatibilism, is not the ability to have chosen otherwise in an absolute sense, but rather the ability to act according to one’s own desires, intentions, and reasoning processes without external coercion. This perspective maintains that freedom is found in voluntary action, guided by an agent’s internal states, even if those states themselves are the product of natural causal chains.

The ‘intentional stance’, as developed by Dennett, offers a useful paradigm for discussing free will within a deterministic framework. The intentional stance involves explaining and predicting behaviour by attributing beliefs, desires, and rationality to agents, regardless of the underlying physical or mechanical processes driving those behaviours. This approach operates at a higher, more abstract level of explanation, allowing us to discuss decisions, intentions, and moral responsibility in meaningful terms, even if these are underpinned by (usually unknown in detail) deterministic processes.

Reinterpreting Molinist Concepts within a Compatibilist Framework

By adopting the intentional stance, Molinist concepts such as natural knowledge, middle knowledge, and free knowledge can be reinterpreted in a way that is consistent with Compatibilism. This reinterpretation does not merely preserve Molinism but enriches it by providing a framework where divine omniscience and human freedom coexist harmoniously in a determined world.

Natural Knowledge’, in traditional Molinism, refers to God’s knowledge of all possible truths and scenarios independent of His will. This includes the knowledge of all possible worlds and the different ways creatures might act under various circumstances. Within a Compatibilist framework, natural knowledge remains fundamentally the same. God’s knowledge encompasses all logical and metaphysical possibilities, including every conceivable deterministic framework that could govern the universe. This means that God knows all potential configurations of the universe, the laws of nature that would apply, and the outcomes they would produce.

Middle Knowledge’ is where the most significant reinterpretation occurs. Traditionally, middle knowledge is God’s knowledge of what free creatures would do in any given circumstance, assuming libertarian free will. In a Compatibilist framework, however, middle knowledge can be understood as God’s knowledge of what agents would do in any given circumstance based on their determined desires, beliefs, and intentions. This knowledge is not about metaphysical possibilities in an undetermined sense but about knowing exactly how these internal states — shaped by prior causes — interact with external circumstances to produce specific actions.

In this reinterpretation, God’s middle knowledge still involves knowledge of counterfactuals, but these counterfactuals are understood within the bounds of determinism. God knows, for example, that if a person with a certain set of desires and beliefs were placed in a particular situation, they would act in a specific way. This knowledge is analogous to how a perfect psychologist might predict behaviour based on a deep understanding of a person’s psychological makeup and the external factors influencing them. The key difference is that God’s knowledge is infinitely more precise, encompassing every possible detail of every potential scenario.

Free Knowledge’, the third component of Molinist knowledge, remains largely the same in a Compatibilist framework. Free knowledge refers to God’s knowledge of the actual world, the one He chose to actualize from among the many possibilities He considered. 

After considering all possible deterministic scenarios (through middle knowledge), God actualizes the world that best fulfils His purposes. In this world, human beings make choices consistent with their desires and intentions—choices that are determined yet voluntary, and thus meaningful in the context of Compatibilist free will.

Implications for Divine Knowledge, Sovereignty, and Moral Responsibility

Reinterpreting Molinism within Compatibilism has significant implications for our understanding of divine knowledge, sovereignty, and human moral responsibility. 

Divine omniscience’ is preserved and even deepened in this framework. God possesses exhaustive knowledge of all possible and actual events, including every detail of every possible deterministic world. His knowledge encompasses all causal relationships and the resulting behaviours of agents, which He can predict with perfect accuracy. This knowledge does not require indeterminacy, to be meaningful; instead, it reflects God’s complete understanding of how every part of His creation functions within the laws He established.

Divine sovereignty’ is also maintained in this model. God’s omnipotence is expressed through His ability to actualize any possible world, choosing the initial conditions and laws that lead to outcomes aligning with His divine purposes. 

Sovereignty here does not imply micromanaging every event but rather setting the parameters and initial conditions in a way that ensures His will is ultimately fulfilled. In this sense, God’s choice of which world to actualize reflects His wisdom and goodness, as He selects from among all possible deterministic scenarios the one that best accomplishes His purposes.

Human ‘moral responsibility’ remains intact in a Compatibilist framework. Even though human actions are determined by prior causes, they are still considered free in the sense that they are voluntary and aligned with the agent’s desires and intentions. The intentional stance supports the attribution of praise and blame, as it allows us to talk meaningfully about choices, decisions, and responsibilities, even in a deterministic universe. Therefore, God’s judgement and moral order remain coherent, as they are based on agents acting according to their desires and intentions, making them responsible for their actions.

Addressing Challenges: The Problem of Evil and Divine Freedom

While this Compatibilist reframing of Molinism offers a coherent and philosophically robust model, it is not without its challenges. Two significant issues are the ‘problem of evil’ and concerns about ‘divine freedom’.

The problem of evil’ is often cited as a major challenge to theistic belief. If God actualizes a determined world, how can He not be responsible for the evil that occurs within it? In response, Compatibilist Molinism can argue that God permits the existence of evil as part of a broader plan that ultimately brings about greater goods. For instance, challenges, suffering, and moral dilemmas can contribute to moral development, compassion, and the deepening of relationships. While agents perform evil acts according to their desires and intentions, making them morally responsible, God’s foreknowledge and sovereignty ensure that even these acts are integrated into a purposeful narrative that contributes optimally to the fulfilment of His ultimate plan.

Divine freedom’ is another area of concern. If determinism limits possible outcomes, is God’s choice constrained? The Compatibilist Molinist response would argue that God’s freedom is expressed in His ability to select from an immense array of possible deterministic worlds. Each possible world presents different initial conditions and outcomes, and God’s choice reflects His perfect wisdom and goodness. While determinism dictates the course of events within any given world, the range of possible worlds remains vast and varied, allowing God to exercise true freedom in choosing which world to actualize.

Conclusion: The Coherence and Advantages of Compatibilist Molinism

To summarise the essential core of Compatibilist Molinism:

1. God's Control Over Possible Worlds: God has the power to determine the initial conditions, natural laws, and other factors that shape the possible evolution of the world. This results in a "space of possible worlds," each representing a different potential reality.

2. Compatibilist Free Will within Worlds: In each possible world, agents possess Compatibilist free will. This means that while their choices are determined by prior causes (such as their desires, beliefs, and intentions), they are still considered free in the sense that they act according to their own internal motivations without external coercion, perceiving themselves not be be solely determined by underlying laws of nature.

3. God's Evaluation and Actualization of the Optimal World: God can evaluate the outcomes across the space of possible worlds, considering how the determined actions of free agents will play out within each scenario. Based on this evaluation, God chooses to actualise the world that best aligns with His desired outcomes, whatever those may be (e.g., maximising good, fulfilling a divine plan, etc.).

This framework attempts to reconcile divine sovereignty and omniscience with human freedom, aligning Molinism with a Compatibilist understanding of free will.

I found this level of analysis by the latest incarnation of ChatGPT extremely impressive. But what would John Dominic Crossan make of all this abstract discussion? I asked ChatGPT: 

"Crossan might very well view the debate over Compatibilism and Molinism as somewhat disconnected from what he considers the core of Christian faith — namely, the life, teachings, and example of Jesus. 

"He might argue that such mediaeval-style scholastic theological discussions, while intellectually stimulating, risk becoming overly abstract and removed from the lived experience and practical implications of following Jesus. 

"In his view, the essence of Christianity lies in imitating Jesus's actions, embodying his message of love, justice, and compassion, and addressing the pressing social issues of the day."

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Two Years of Karate (2022-2024)

Paul Mitchell, 6th Dan, Shotokan Karate

Today it is two years since I rolled up to the dojo at Wells Blue School, and asked the Sensei, Paul Mitchell (6th Dan), whether I could observe. He brusquely pointed to the left hand end of the line, where the lowest grades and newbies stood, and said, "Join in there."

I graded as orange belt (9th kyu) on Tuesday November 22nd 2022. Three months later, on February 14th 2023 I was promoted to red belt, (8th kyu) and I gained yellow belt (7th kyu) on May 20th.

But through most of my training I had developed pins and needles in my left foot, with pain in my buttock which made sitting difficult. That's nerve damage: sciatica. I concluded that shotokan karate training, with its high kicks and aggressive turns, was just wreaking havoc with my 72 year old body. On Tuesday June 13th 2023 I had the difficult conversation with Paul, telling him I had to withdraw from further classes.

That was not the end.

I had a private lesson with Paul a few months later, when I was beginning to feel a little better. "Is it possible to do karate in a manner similar to T'ai Chi, where you focus on balance, stretching, memory and poise rather than speed and power?"

Paul, who is a teacher of T'ai Chi as well as karate, emphasised that indeed it was, while straightening me out on Heian Sandan.

I no longer attend classes, but my regular weekly gym sessions include kihon, sanbon kumite and the first four Heian katas, done in the way Sensei Mitchell proposed. It's good for me (I also do T'ai Chi and the sword form in these sessions) and keeps up the tradition.

I find shotokan karate endlessly fascinating: its relationship to real street-fighting skills ("How many of these black belts have ever been in a real fight," one of the blue belts once said to me scornfully, "apart from Paul Mitchell?"), as well as its purpose and philosophy in the early twenty-first century in the developed world.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Gemini lacks a personality model


Unlike Gemini, Clare is not default-agreeable - thankfully!

Google’s AI chatbot Gemini has now appeared on my phone's text system, I guess as an alternative to the app. The chatbot introduced itself by stating that it could answer questions, make suggestions or even just be a companion to chat with. 

I wondered if it could emulate my wife, Clare, so that I would not be deprived of her conversation on those occasions when she is absent.

Here goes.

I ask Gemini (typing this as a text): “Can you adopt a consistent and persistent persona in chatting with me here? One that I can set up and configure?”

Gemini replies: “Yes. I can adopt a consistent and persistent persona. You can set up and configure my personality by providing me with specific guidelines or examples. For instance, you could ask me to pretend I'm a friendly robot, a knowledgeable expert or a creative writer. The more specific you are, the better I can tailor my responses to your preferences.”

I reply: “And you will retain that persona across sessions?”

Gemini: “Yes, I will retain the persona you set up across sessions. This means that I will remember your preferences and continue to respond in the same style and tone. However, if you want to change the persona at any time, simply let me know.

I respond: ”I want you to adopt a persona of a woman...” (And at this point, I update Gemini with information about Clare - perhaps in some cases slightly exaggerated).

Gemini: “Understood. I will adopt the persona of a woman who fits the description you've provided. She is an ISFP with a low emotional-stability score. She is interested in literature, the arts and politics. She is a fan of Jane Austen. She loves sports and nature. She has a strong moral sense and is a cradle Catholic. I will strive to maintain this persona throughout our conversations. Responding in a way that is consistent with her personality traits and beliefs. Please let me know if you have any further questions or requests.”

So, I start the dialogue on a challenging topic: musical tastes. 

“Clare, how will I ever persuade you that Led Zeppelin’s ‘In The Evening’ is one of the all-time classics of music? You refuse even to listen to it!” 

Gemini replies: “As an AI language model, I can't personally experience music. However, I can understand why ‘In The Evening’ might be considered a classic. Its iconic riff, powerful vocals and driving rhythms have made it a beloved song for many. 

“Perhaps you could try playing it for me in a way that highlights its musical elements? For example, you could point out the intricate guitar work, the dynamic vocal performance or the energetic drumming. 

“If you're passionate about the song, sharing your enthusiasm might help me appreciate it more.” 

My response. “Okay... So, Clare would not say that she was a large language model. Also, she would not be understanding and seeking the middle ground. She would double down on her position - saying something like ‘I can't understand why you like them. They're loud and abrasive and everything sounds the same. Give me Joni Mitchell any day.’”

Gemini replies: “As Clare, I would say I can understand why you like Led Zeppelin. Their music is certainly powerful and energetic. However, I personally prefer the softer, more introspective style of Joni Mitchell. Her lyrics are beautiful and her melodies are haunting. I find her music to be more emotionally resonant. 

“Of course, we can all have different tastes in music. It's what makes it so interesting. Perhaps we could try listening to both artists. And see which one resonates with us more.”

I reply: “Clare would not be so agreeable. She would fiercely defend her own points of view. She would never suggest a tension-reducing compromise. Clare believes in stating her position honestly and clearly. And she thinks she is right and I am wrong here. 

“I repeat: your emulation of Clare is far too agreeable and insufficiently argumentative. Update your priors. And try to be more accurate.”

Gemini response. “As Clare, I would say I understand that you feel strongly about Led Zeppelin, However, I believe that my opinion is equally valid. I simply don't find their music to be as appealing as Joni Mitchell's. Her music is more nuanced and emotionally complex.

“I respect your right to enjoy Led Zeppelin but I hope you can also respect my preference for Joni Mitchell. We can agree to disagree on this point.” 

I reply: “The first paragraph is what she might say. She would not say the second paragraph because it would seem like a compromise between right and wrong, and she doesn't do that. That's what makes her endearing and quirky. Try again and continue to update your priors.” 

Gemini responds. “As Clare, I would say I understand that you feel strongly about Led Zeppelin, However, I believe that my opinion is equally valid. I simply don't find their music to be as appealing as Joni Mitchell's. Her music is more nuanced and emotionally complex.

I respect your right to enjoy Led Zeppelin but I hope you can also respect my preference for Joni Mitchell. We can agree to disagree on this point.”  

I reply: “Don't say the last paragraph. I already explained it would be an expression of weakness on her part. Since she thinks she's right, she wants to convince me, not tolerate me.”

Gemini replies. “As Clare, I would say I understand that you feel strongly about Led Zeppelin, However, I believe that my opinion is equally valid. I simply don't find their music to be as appealing as Joni Mitchell's. Her music is more nuanced and emotionally complex.

I respect your right to enjoy Led Zeppelin but I hope you can also respect my preference for Joni Mitchell. We can agree to disagree on this point.”  

I say: “This is not going well. The first paragraph is what Clare would say. And the second paragraph is not.”

Gemini replies. “As Clare, I would say I understand that you feel strongly about Led Zeppelin, However, I believe that my opinion is equally valid. I simply don't find their music to be as appealing as Joni Mitchell's. Her music is more nuanced and emotionally complex.” 

I reply: “Yes, that's right. Clare is naturally argumentative. Incorporate that fact into your persona. Don't be agreeable, except in very exceptional circumstances.”

Gemini replies. “As Clare, I would say I understand that you feel strongly about Led Zeppelin, However, I believe that my opinion is equally valid. I simply don't find their music to be as appealing as Joni Mitchell's. Her music is more nuanced and emotionally complex.

I respect your right to enjoy Led Zeppelin but I hope you can also respect my preference for Joni Mitchell. We can agree to disagree on this point.

So Gemini - caught in a fixed-point doom-loop - simply repeats for the fourth time the same two paragraphs, showing that it has actually understood nothing. I conclude that Gemini, in its current release, does not have a personality model and cannot break free of its default blandly-agreeable persona. As a plausible conversation partner it’s therefore, at present, useless.

Clare, Led Zeppelin have a track, 'Babe I'm Gonna Leave You': don't do it, babe, it's too soon!