Wednesday, September 11, 2024

“Paramnesia” by Adam Carlton (intro)

From ChatGPT

Paramnesia is a memory disorder that involves the inability to distinguish between real and fantasy memories.

"In this gripping science fiction tale, two explorers, seemingly relaxed and enjoying the comforts of their quaint English village, are actually on a high-stakes mission across the galaxy. Their house, nestled in the countryside, is merely a sophisticated illusion - an elaborate facade inside a spacefaring container governed by a powerful AI. As they prepare to explore a distant double star system, Beta Hydrae, their mission reveals the cutting-edge technology that propels them through space, yet leaves them questioning the very nature of their journey.

"Their exploration is anything but casual. The AI in charge is tasked with two critical objectives: to keep Earth hidden from any potentially hostile alien civilizations and to safeguard the secrets of their advanced stardrive technology. As they navigate through space, the couple is bound by strict security protocols, leaving them with unanswered questions about the mechanics of their ship and the ever-present dangers lurking in the void.

"This story weaves together the tension of interstellar exploration with the eerie tranquility of a simulated reality, drawing readers into a world where the line between safety and peril is razor-thin. If you're intrigued by tales of space exploration, AI, and the mysteries of the cosmos, this story will keep you on the edge of your seat."

You may also be interested in my new contemporary short story:

Read “Souvenirs d'Annette”.

You will find my collection of short stories, published on Amazon (Kindle and paperback) here:

"Freyja’s Deathbed Conversations: and other stories" (2019)

and my SF novel, also published on Amazon (Kindle and paperback) here:

Feel free to purchase both!

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