Thursday, June 06, 2024

Beautiful world, where are you?


I've just re-read this after three years; I'm as impressed as I ever was. I stand by my review here of October 11th 2021.

The Felix character rejects Catholicism crassly: Jesus in the sky spying on people - hard to believe, huh? This is in character.

The Alice character thinks Catholicism (the character Simon is a practising Catholic, although hardly orthodox) is a delusion, but then again, she argues, absent nihilism, what isn't? If we are playing with ideas, I would have liked the complexities of ontology to have made an appearance, as argued here.

After immersing myself in Dublin-adjacent existential angst I'm now considering buying some of her other books: she has 'Intermezzo' coming out in September 24. 

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