Wednesday, September 25, 2019

"Something Deeply Hidden" - some thoughts

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The title is a quote from Einstein, revealed at the end of the book. Carroll is on Einstein's side in the great Einstein-Bohr debates on the meaning and completeness of quantum theory. Sort of.

Carroll writes well, mostly. He's a fluent author and has the surpassing virtue of conceptual clarity. This is a book about concepts: conceptual analysis and what the equations are telling us. This works well at the beginning where he covers the material in a typical undergraduate course, falters later when he discusses quantum field theory, and stutters at the end, where he sketches the research program of deriving spacetime from Hilbert space.

Who is this book for? Not the layperson - it's too unfamiliar, too conceptually abstract and dense. It's for people who know quantum mechanics - the mathematics and the calculations - people who understand the machinery but, like everyone else, struggle to understand what it's telling us about the universe itself. The math he doesn't mention underpins the concepts he's keen to articulate and talk around.

He's persuasive on the many-worlds interpretation, mostly because it seems plausible to start with the wave-function of the universe-as-a-holistic-entity. He's at pains to point out that the MWI is really no more than that: austere quantum theory.

He's excellent on how decoherence works, giving a clear conceptual overview. You have to have covered superpositions and entangled states in your QM course - and to have thought about it - to really grasp what he's saying, though. He writes like it's pretty clear but it isn't.

Should one walk away from this book an Everettian?  Carroll makes a very strong case for this over all the other interpretations - his critiques sometimes feel like shooting fish in a barrel. He's convincing that we should conceptualise QM as if the MWI were true.

But is the universe really a state vector in a high-dimensional Hilbert space? With our familiar classical-looking spacetime something emergent? A reality emergent from entropic-entanglement (hence locality and metric) and then local sampling of that so-structured Hilbert space?

No-one knows. It might be nice .. but the research isn't in.

And then there are the lacunae. The genesis of the standard model is nowhere mentioned. It may all be quantum fields - but how did we get separate quantum fields for all the different fermions and bosons?

My conclusion: every physics undergraduate should read this book. All the questions they have about how quantum theory is put together (the map of the territory in fact) and how it all relates to the universe we experience are honestly discussed here. They won't find those issues addressed in class or in their textbooks.

They will also appreciate how much we still don't understand about the fundamentals of the theory and about reality itself. Quantum gravity is still, most likely, the holy grail. But in the absence of meaningful experiments (the collider plans don't really help) solid progress is likely to remain stalled.

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