Saturday, June 01, 2019

Range Anxiety

It's never a good idea to be anxious, is it?

There's clearly a problem, and the problem is with you.


Take a technology that has a low energy-density compared to its dominant competitor; which takes an order of magnitude longer to recharge than its dominant competitor; and which massively lacks charge points.

Who would rationally choose to trade down to something so inferior?

Range anxiety? 



It's a crude, moralistic trick to frame choices in a way that stigmatises the 'wrong choice' according to ideological criteria which masquerade as absolute.


Brexit: a conflict between those looking forwards and those (Leavers) who look backwards.

There's a neutral framing for you. Hard to win in that paradigm if you're not for 'Remain'.

How about?

Brexit: a conflict between elites grasping to a dying model of economic interests over everything including the destruction of communities and those seeking to create a more balanced, civilised and fair future for everyone.

Didn't hear that characterisation much.

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