Sunday we went to the Isle of Wight, about 50 minutes drive and an hour's ferry (via Southampton) from where we live. Our first tourist encounter was with Osbourne House, Queen Victoria's former residence on the island. Here's a picture of Clare in the wonderful gardens, with a view looking back towards Portsmouth.
Later we upped and migrated to Ryde, which from the pier reminded us curiously of the equally-touristy Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco (in a little way of course - and we bore you here as experienced world-travelers ... *).
Then we came back via Cowes. Consequent upon it being Cowes Week, the place was full of yachties. We had a competition to count the number of burley, middle-aged nautical types with gorgeous young things hanging off their arms. I got three in 25 minutes, so I guess I wasn't paying attention ... (go figure!).
* No, we are not showing off - this is called irony ...