I now know what a Gateaux differential is, although I see from my textbook annotations that I passed this way three years ago. The prepared mind sees a different world.
In a similar vein, my longtime confusion between expansion coefficients (in some representation) and eigenvalues of the corresponding operator has finally been resolved by re-reading Gary Bowman's excellent 'Essential Quantum Mechanics'.
It's very blowy here and we had considered a walk. Clare is deeply into our recently-purchased guide to 'The Way of St. James', specifically the route along the North Spanish coast. I was able to download an augmented reality app for 'el Camino' which shows the view in front of you (using the camera) on the phone's screen + overlaid Camino information. As our house is not actually on the famed way, all we saw was a blue arrow telling us to turn around on the couch and set off southwards!
I think we'll have some of those enticing scones Clare's currently cooking instead.