In "Extinction Event" by Adam Carlton, humanity stands on the brink of annihilation as a massive asteroid - far more lethal than the one that wiped out the dinosaurs - hurtles toward Earth.
Dr. Mara Ayrton, a brilliant but solitary scientist, first discovers the impending disaster, but her findings spark panic, not preparedness. As nations scramble to suppress the news, others seek salvation in prophecy, belief, and rebellion.
From the solemn halls of government secrecy to turbulent churches and military barracks, society fractures in both desperation and conviction. And in the final hours, as the countdown to impact ticks relentlessly onward, one question haunts them all: in the face of inevitable destruction, what remains worth fighting for?
And what would you do in the name of survival?
Read "Extinction Event" by Adam Carlton (7,000 words). You may be interested that a major character in this story is President Trump.
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