Sunday, July 14, 2024

COVID: Day 4

 So Wednesday night was the unexplained coughing; Thursday was the feeling cold-ish - yes, it's a cold! - followed by a night of spouse-awakening coughing.

Friday morning (I know now how COVID feels) I asked Clare to pop down to Boots and buy a flow test. It's a bit complicated, following the instructions; something like fourteen steps? I had no confidence that the test would work. Twenty minutes later I was looking at the image you see above. And only five weeks since I had an identical bout! That can happen, apparently.

I'm lucky so far: nothing in the lungs, no serious muscle pains, manageable lethargy. I have no appetite but even that can be spun positive - it's been months since I was below eleven stone (70 kg) and yet... here I am at 69 kg and a bit. 

I think it will be next Sunday, a week today, before I can freely meet with any old and infirm people. Meanwhile I am self-exiled to the back bedroom, where I feel psychologically sedated but prone to bedding-changing night time sweats. Yes, yeuk!

In other news today, ex-President Trump was shot at and slightly wounded. I found out this morning because, naturally, I was early to bed last night. All the usual stereotypes and narratives are to-hand and I have nothing remotely original to contribute.

Now for some more rehydration...

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