Monday, April 13, 2020

Pictures of our times

One session of exercise per day

The hairdressers are all closed but we're prepped

Clare has the requisite skills

 This is the twenty-first day of lockdown and R0 is (apparently) dipping below 1.



  1. Since R0 = #(infection producing contacts/unit time) X (mean infectious period) - a dimensionless number - we see that we can obtain a smaller "effective R0" by reducing #(contacts/unit time). Hence the lockdown.

    One consequence of the lockdown is that the regional figures become meaningful, since there is not supposed to be any travel. This has meant that high infection regions (like London) are now leading the drive to lower effective-R0, with effective-R0[London]<1.

    Unfortunately, some regions still may have effective-R0>1, this might even include Wells (and also in my region)!

    So we need to continue with the "The Naked Sun (Asimov)" life for some time, and monitor effective-R0[Wells].

    1. Given the national lockdown I guess R0 < 1 everywhere now except in localised hot-spots like nursing homes. I think the absolute number of cases in the UK southwest is very small (outside of Bristol). Still, it only takes one if controls are relaxed...

      My favourite of his, I think, is "The End of Eternity". A lot of Asimov reads clunky to me now.


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