Monday, June 17, 2019

Humorous titles of philosophy works

Listed here. I have extracted some titles for you.
  • David Enoch, “Wouldn’t It Be Nice If p, therefore p”, Utilitas (2009)
  • Peter Unger, “I Do Not Exist”, in Perception and Identity (Cornell, 1979)
  • Neil Sinhababu, “Possible Girls”, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (2008)
These papers are generally hidden - gated - but I thought it might be worth writing a mini-post on each of them.

Remind me to.


  1. These look like "Moral Philosophy" Papers.

    I should imagine that a proper analysis of them will degenerate into a Modal Logic, Possible Worlds, and Constructive Logic Agent based review!

    1. Yes, I agree. Wouldn't say 'degenerate' but definitely requires the apparatus of modal logic. Plus, I think, an order relation over the PW for two out of three (at least).

    2. Yes I was being slightly ironic with the use of the word "degenerate". Perhaps these papers do some of that work themselves, despite their whimsical title?


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