Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Nothing worse than elderly relatives bearing advice

Hi fellow comrades-in-arms for justice,

Let me introduce myself. I'm a student, a radical and passionate for change. I despise the tired establishment of this country which only ever presides over failure. Everything’s broken; nothing gets fixed; I'm terminally bored.

And that's why I’m wired for action.

Get outta the way, Grandpa!

Speaking of that, my dad gave me a copy of a letter my granddad wrote to me years ago - before he died. It was kept for me until I was eighteen! How condescending is that? I hate all that advice from beyond the grave stuff.

So here's an extract of what I have to put up with - just hear the pompous pontification, the smug condescension!


“... It is the destiny of teens and twenty-something's to yearn for a cause, to join a movement of like-minded people fighting for a better future for all, as they see it. The activist tribe is intoxicating: self-righteous events follow one from other; there is no shortage of parties and romantic partners. Loneliness is banished, life is collective, active, exciting and seldom boring.

“The cause is seldom analysed too closely or too seriously. Christianity once promised Salvation and Heaven-on-Earth; Marxism promised a radical equality, the end of oppression, the unlocking of all the forces of progress; climate activism fights clear enemies to save a biosphere fit for all the people.

“But it takes years of immersion in the esoteric doctrines of the cause before its objectives, strategies and tactics can be properly understood and deployed. Rebuttals which are compelling rely upon complex analyses spanning several disciplines with which you will not, at this stage of your life, be familiar. During your period of apprenticeship you will be emotionally committed to the movement, chained to the induction process … and immune from outside criticism which you will find either tribal nonsense or too sophisticated for easy comprehension.

“And here is a meta-critique to which you are also immune.

“It is in the nature of young people, particularly those in somewhat elite institutions such as the universities, to believe they are owed a pathway to future success. In advanced economies, however, the pyramid is steep - and narrow at the top. Few aspirants will make it, and those few will generally owe their success to their family connections (in a very few cases, outstanding talent may hack it).

“The struggle therefore is bogus. It cannot deliver you what is promised. The Kingdom of God on Earth will not happen; the Communist Revolution will require an evolution to a world utterly different from your own; the Green movement's strategy is utterly decoupled from actually solving the problems it purports to address.

“So enjoy the struggle while you remain starry-eyed. Then enjoy it in retrospect as a fulfilling coming-of-age. Unless you were born with silver spoon in mouth (you were not!) - or you get very lucky indeed - you will need to readjust your objectives as you leave your twenties. We live in a complex society: hopefully you didn't trash your studies, your CV or your reputation in ways that prevent you from finding a life trajectory which really does work for you in future.

“Have fun - I wish you well...”


Easy for him to dump all over us, isn't it. He's dead.

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