At first sight it doesn't do too badly. Usually in excess of 70 views per day during the week. But look more closely: almost all of those people are looking at one post, which describes a UK Government security accreditation standard. My article is one of the few "out there" which explains how to go about getting accredited.
Subtract that one article and there's a smattering of hits on some articles I wrote on Myers-Briggs personality type theory and some hits on beauty-spot posts such as National Trust sites we've visited and Weston-super-Mare (sic).
The blogs I look at are aggregation/tutorial sites in arcane areas which interest me such as theoretical physics, economics and politics, genetics, science-fiction, etc. The people writing these blogs occupy positions where they know a lot more about what's going on and what's hot than I do.
So where's the expertise I have which is world-class and best-in-class? Doesn't exist, sadly. When I was working full time in the corporate world on public telecom networks and their architecture/design I could have put together a (maybe anonymous) technical blog. But I didn't.
So bottom line: unless you are a world-class practitioner plugged into the relevant community, it's unlikely that anything you write is going to have a truly mass appeal, even in a niche.
None of this should be surprising: I have just described the usual fate of all would-be authors.