This afternoon we walked down to Wells market square and sank pint after pint as Switzerland improbably socked it to Spain. However, by the end of the week it should all be done.
Study area before
Study area during ...
Study area after
Adrian leaves tomorrow to visit relatives in Liverpool on the first leg of his trip to New Zealand and back on the snow. Clare is sorting his hair styling out below.Adrian helping Clare with work-experience hairdressing
In other news the cat completely ignores his drinking water bowl and has taken to drinking the rinsing water. I believe the subtle flavours attract him (like those fruit-tinged waters you can buy in the supermarket).Shadow drinking the rinsing water
Part of our campaign to free up bookshelf space round the house, our first donation to the local library shown below. The library staff pounced upon them eagerly - we're obviously culturally well-matched: completely middlebrow.Donated to Wells library
Not a fantastic shot of the Tescos staff below, but every supermarket has abandoned its entrance floor display in favour of mountains of lager.The world cup at Tescos
Next week we have the tarmacing to be completed, the cavity wall insulation to be be booked, the blinds to be measured up and the water pipes to be checked for lead. I think another three weeks and we're done but it should be quieter from now on.