Monday, July 02, 2018

"The end of spacetime" - Nima Arkani-Hamed

Recently via Lubos Motl's blog.

"Nima Arkani-Hamed talks about the demise of spacetime, simplification in QFT, amplituhedrons which turn scattering amplitudes into high school geometry volumes, and other things."
Ideal if you have a spare ninety minutes 😏 .. . It's a public lecture, so not too technical.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen this video talk now: it is similar to several that he has given in recent years. Though you don't analyse the talk contents itself.
    Lubos points out that he agrees with Nima on the lack of physical significance of quantum foundations, but does not seem to mention that Nima qualifies that by remarking that QM foundations are irrelevant in the absence of Gravity - so he may hold a different view if Gravitation is involved. Recall that Penrose's own QM interpretation directly involves Gravitation.


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