Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Larmer Tree

Today was the hottest and brightest day of the year, so we drove down to Larmer Tree Gardens, a Victorian pleasure garden about ten miles southwest of Salisbury.

The gardens stretch a few hundred metres (see map at the bottom of this post) and are dotted with curious buildings in styles which include the Indian Raj and ancient Greece. Here are some pictures.

The Temple and Dell

Clare in the grotto

Peacock at the entrance to the children's playground

The author with a strange folly

Clare under a red sunshade - yes, it's hot!

Map of Larmer Tree - click to enlarge

When we emerged, the car told us it was 30° which soon dropped to a more reasonable 24° once we were moving. We put aside all our other concerns and spent the rest of the afternoon sunbathing in the garden. Time enough tomorrow, when rain is promised.